Saturday, February 19, 2005

Jewish and Israeli Posters

We've assembled perhaps the largest collection from multiple suppliers of Jewish and Israeli Posters.

Posters and art prints, framed or not, of Israel, Jerusalem, Jewish ritual art and religious subjects, famous rabbis, and art by Jewish artists (especially Marc Chagall and Arthur Szyk).

Jewish art in one web page...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Jewish Book Mall - Over 100 Haggadot/Haggadahs for Passover/Pesach including Artscroll Haggadahs

...and if Purim is coming, Pesach isn't far behind. Haggadot 'r us!Jewish Book Mall - Over 100 Haggadot/Haggadahs for Passover/Pesach including Artscroll Haggadahs

Jewish Book Mall - Jewish and Israeli Music - CDs, tapes

If you're looking for Jewish or Israeli music...or klezmer, Yemenite, Hasidic, Ladino, cantorial, ... then see Jewish Book Mall - Jewish and Israeli Music - CDs, tapes, featuring close to 300 different musicians and 900 Jewish CDs.

Purim - Info and Reviews

It's the Hebrew month of Adar, so the holiday of Purim is coming! See Purim - Info and Reviews

Monday, February 07, 2005

Jewish DVDs

We've added Jewish DVDs and even more Jewish music to the site: Jewish Book Mall - Jewish books - Torah to Talmud to dictionaries and kosher cookbooks.